Hi and welcome to my site for amateur astronomers.


Tribute to the Cassini Saturn mission: Click here.

News: Ralph begins asteroid photometric observations: Click here.

News: GMARS Meteor Camera Records "Famous Fireball":  Click here.

News: Mars imaging from 2010 opposition: Click here.

News: Blog for July '09 China Solar Eclipse Expedition:  Click here.

News: Megna, Stephens Present Asteroid Paper at SAS: Click here.

News: PopeScope gets Buck's Gears upgrade: Click here.

News: Spectroscopy at Megnaritaville. Click here.

News: Ralph posts video of his visit to Pad 39B at KSC: Click here.

Veil Nebula from Megnaritaville - September 2008

I am Ralph Megna. By day I am leading a team that is developing a small electric car that can be driven by those in wheelchairs, but many of my evenings and weekends are devoted to amateur astronomy from an observatory in the Mojave Desert. I also travel to major celestial events such as total solar eclipses.

I have also been using Macintosh computers for over 30 years (began with a Lisa in 1983). Part of my purpose in putting up this website is to illustrate how the Mac can make amateur astronomy a more enjoyable and rewarding hobby.

If you want to contact me, feel free to email me at:


Tips & LinksTips.html
Astro ImagesAstroimages.html